Luau Party411

frequently asked questions about luau parties. Luau party questions. Answers to luau questions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luau Parties
Luaus are simple, easy and inexpensive not to mention the perfect outdoor party on a summer’s eve. Throw a few leis at people and a couple of Mai Tai’s, and you’re in for some fun. Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions about luaus and tropical parties in general.

Q: What is considered luau attire? What should I wear to a luau?
A: Hawaiian shirts, shorts of course, sandals; anything that goes good with a Hawaiian lei of any color. This is definitely not a dress up affair—it’s a lei’d back one (so to speak).

Q: Where’s the best place to have a luau?
A: In the best order I would say...on a beach, at a pool, in your backyard. And, of course, on the island of Oahu. (This might not be the most economic of alternatives, but it would certainly be the most beautiful.)

Q: If I do the event outside, how do I get rid of those pesky mosquitoes and such?
A: You can buy a bug bomb or hire a company that will come out and spray. This is much more important than one would think. Plus, of course, there are great citronella candles and Tiki torches (that double as decor) that you can use to make a pathway to your seating area. And today, many of the citronella candles and oils have floral and other scents.

Q: What type of leis should we give out?
A: There are plastic leis, silk flower leis, shell leis, real flower leis and probably another dozen to choose from. It depends on your budget. Also, remember, there are wrist leis, flower combs, grass skirts and other items that you can use to decorate your guests.

Q: What is the best luau party music?
A: If you have budget constraints, buy a CD of island music featuring the top 10 luau favorites: Hawaii Five-O theme song, Oye Como Va, Surfin’ USA, Iko Iko and more. If you have an entertainment budget, consider a steel drum band. Either works—don’t worry, be happy!

Q: Do I need a favor? What are some good luau party favors?
A: Well, the leis are a favor and you can be sure your guests will wear them home. Don’t be stingy, plan on several for each guest and several colors as well.

Q: What are some unusual but fun luau games?
A: Limbo! Limbo! Limbo! is a must but not so different. Add some spear throwing, make a large checkerboard using painted coconuts, initiate a hula hoop dance contest. Even consider having someone come to teach the hula.

Q: How should we stock the bar?

A: I would always have a tropical rum punch (saves money, too). As well, you’ll want to have flavored Piña Coladas, Mai Tai cocktails and maybe a choice of a Blue Hawaiian or a lime daquiri.

Q: What are must have menu items? What are some fun and easy luau menu ideas?
A: Fruit kabobs with coconut scattered atop screams luau. Chicken chunks with pineapple salsa. Anything sweet and sour. Rice filled with fruit chunks and pork. Nothing is a must have but fruit, pork and coconut are luau staples.

Q: Must I roast a pig?
A: Not necessarily. Not necessarily at all. Some people find a roasting pig (whether buried in the ground or on a spit) to be as unappetizing as all get out. I agree.