Daddy's Tool Belt Ideas

Daddy's Tool Belt for a baby shower.
New Dads need to be celebrated too! The creative and fun gift is perfect for Dad to open at the baby shower.
  1. Start with an inexpensive cloth tool belt from the hardware or home improvement store
  2. (Optional) Decorate the tool belt with fabric markers. Here are a few fun phrase you can choose from:
    1. "Your duty to clean the doodie!"
    2. "No butts, no glory!"
    3. "Daddy's Diaper Doodie"
    4. "Daddy on Duty"
    5. "#1 (and #2) Dad!"
  3. Fill the tool belt with all the necessary items Dad will need when changing diapers (use some or all)
    • Tongs
    • Face Mask
    • Travel Wet Wipes
    • Disposable Changing Pads
    • Pacifiers
    • Toy Keys, Rattle or other small toy
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Baby Lotion (travel size)
    • Baby Powder (travel size)
    • Goggles
    • Desitin Diaper Rash Cream or Butt Paste
    • Plastic Gloves (the big dish washing type are the best)
    • Newborn Diapers
    • Wooden Diaper Pins (for his nose!)
  4. Attach a fun poem to belt:
Poem Daddy's Diaper Toolbelt
When it's time for Diaper duty
You'll have your tools at hand
Everything you need
So mom will think you're grand.
Gloves, and mask, and tongs,
diapers, pins, and powder too.
Everything you need
For all the work you'll do!
Your Diaper Tool Belt will assure
That you do the duty right.
So that precious little baby
Will go back to sleep each night!